Why Birds?
I am obsessed trying to figure out why I am so obsessed with birds. It's a meta-obsession! I've landed on this - I like birds because they're everywhere, they have the perfect species distribution, they can fly, they evolved from dinosaurs and they're immensely beautiful!
Birds are everywhere, from Toronto's downtown core on a hot summer day to the frigid winters of Iqaluit.
Even on a February day in iqaluit, nunavut, there are birds! These are all Common Ravens.
The number of bird species is perfect! I am interested in all animals, but some are too infrequent and some too abundant. You don't usually find more than a handful of mammal species even on the best day. Beetles are fascinating but there are so many kinds that it can be impossible to identify them to species without killing them.
Birds are right in the Goldilocks zone. Notwithstanding some notorious ID challenges (Cooper's or Sharp-shinned Hawk? Willow or Alder Flycatcher?), you can usually identify birds to species in the field with some practice. Also, the number of species is such that all of North America's possibilities fit in a reasonably-sized book.
Humans have always been fascinated by birds. They can fly! Not only that, but they migrate great distances.
Look at the details in that wing! Northern Fulmar - Davis Strait
Birds are living dinosaurs!
Does that look like a dinosaur or what?!? Great Blue Heron - Bath, Ontario.
This is the easiest reason to love birds - they are stunningly beautiful.
birds are insanely beautiful! In southern Ontario, Warblers such as this Northern Parula are a fine example.